The Rabid Squirrel Ltd.


What... is this?!


The Rabid Squirrel Ltd. n. A small group of carbon-based "actors," consisting primarily of Adam Moore, Chris Rand and Stefan Phillips, with the additional appreciated appearances of Robert Oakes, Ray Malice, Trevor Hrenko, Eric Drooff, Janis Moffat and Laura Danielle Seguin.

See also incompetence.


Still a tad confused?

Us too. But there's more about the Squirrel on the About Page.

Navigating Around the Site

On the side of every page (minus Stefan's Section) there are six clickable links which can take you to every part of the Rabid Squirrel website ('cept the one that leads to the Bat--- errrrr...).

New Projects
Stefan's Section


Stefan Phillips, 2006 - 2007